
The Aedes aegypti (Ae. aegypti), strain LVP-IB12 is an inbred substrain of Ae. aegypti, strain Liverpool, which is tolerant to inbreeding while maintaining relevant phenotypes. Strain LVP-IB12 was selected from a Liverpool strain by 12 consecutive generations of isofemale line selection and inbreeding.
The parent Liverpool strain is susceptible to filaroid parasitic nematodes. However, Ae. aegypti, strain LVP-IB12 has been reported refractory to Dirofilaria immitis and Brugia malayi infection. It is fixed for a majority of loci across the entire genome. The complete genome of Ae. aegypti, strain Liverpool has been sequenced (GenBank: AAGE00000000) and based on use of the LVP-IB12 strain.
MRA-735 contains a suitable number of eggs to establish a stock. Eggs are provided on damp filter paper and should be hatched immediately upon receipt.
BEI Resources 由美国国家过敏和传染病研究所 ( NIAID )成立,旨在为研究 A、B 和 C 类优先病原体、新兴传染病病原体、非病原微生物和其他相关微生物材料提供试剂、工具和信息到研究界。BEI Resources 获取、验证和生产科学家进行基础研究和开发改进的诊断测试、疫苗和疗法所需的试剂。通过将这些功能集中在 BEI Resources 中,可以监控科学界对这些材料的访问和使用,并确保试剂的质量控制。
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BEI Resources 自 2003 年起由美国典型培养物保藏中心 (ATCC) 根据合同管理。2016 年 5 月, ATCC获得了一份为期七年的继续管理 BEI Resources的合同。合同范围已扩大到更全面的研究目录材料,包括由其他政府支持的研究项目存放的材料,将提供给生物防御和新兴传染病科学界。真菌、寄生虫、载体和其他相关材料已添加到现有的细菌、病毒和毒素试剂中,涵盖 NIAID A、B 和 C 类优先病原体和 NIAID 指定的新发传染病病原体和生物。