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同源置换在异源多倍体芸薹属驯化中有关键作用 2024-09-10 1次围观
超级显微镜首次全景式记录大规模细胞间交互行为 2024-09-10 1次围观
耳蜗原驻巨噬细胞在耳蜗中的双重作用获揭示 2024-09-10 1次围观
卵泡移植或有助治疗年龄相关不孕症 2024-09-10 1次围观
氨积累太多,效应性T细胞死得快? 2024-09-10 1次围观
飘飘鱼“照镜”评估自身战斗力 2024-09-10 3次围观
更年期早还是晚,这些基因说了算 2024-09-10 2次围观
“神药”二甲双胍也可延缓衰老?学者找到新证据 2024-09-10 1次围观
新研究揭示胎盘发育新机制 2024-09-10 1次围观
果蝇身上找到拟寄生黄蜂新种 2024-09-10 1次围观
研究发现调控基因组稳定性的新的细胞质因子 2024-09-10 1次围观
2024 09 13 HackerNews 2024-09-10 2次围观
PLK1-mediated phosphorylation cascade activates Mis18 complex to ensure centromere inheritance 2024-09-05 0次围观
Bacteria can anticipate the seasons: Photoperiodism in cyanobacteria 2024-09-05 0次围观
Role of protein kinase PLK1 in the epigenetic maintenance of centromeres 2024-09-05 0次围观
In situ structure and rotary states of mitochondrial ATP synthase in whole Polytomella cells 2024-09-05 0次围观
Serotonin release in the habenula during emotional contagion promotes resilience 2024-09-05 0次围观
Serotonin release in the habenula during emotional contagion promotes resilience 2024-09-05 0次围观
The use of ectopic volar fibroblasts to modify skin identity 2024-09-05 0次围观
南极野生动物中发现禽流感 2024-09-05 0次围观
跨性别男性免疫反应差异需关注 2024-09-05 0次围观
研究发现断奶仔猪缺铁早期阶段特征 2024-09-05 1次围观
研究发现断奶仔猪缺铁早期阶段特征 2024-09-05 1次围观
海岸带土壤细菌群落构建研究获进展 2024-09-05 1次围观
研究揭示海马同时处理并整合时空信息的重要机制 2024-09-05 1次围观
睡眠质量“社会影响”需关注 2024-09-05 0次围观
食用染料使老鼠器官透明 2024-09-05 1次围观
别被名字欺骗,脑脊液不只存在于大脑 2024-09-05 2次围观
被整个吞食后,日本鳗鱼成功“越狱” 2024-09-05 1次围观
2024 09 06 HackerNews 2024-09-05 1次围观
2024 09 08 HackerNews 2024-09-05 2次围观
Distal activity patterns shape the spatial specificity of neurovascular coupling 2024-09-02 0次围观
Wnt-deficient and hypoxic environment orchestrates squamous reprogramming of human pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma 2024-09-02 0次围观
Comparison of protection against mpox following mRNA or modified vaccinia Ankara vaccination in nonhuman primates 2024-09-02 0次围观
Inhibitory co-receptor Lag3 supports Foxp3+ regulatory T cell function by restraining Myc-dependent metabolic programming 2024-09-02 0次围观
Frontostriatal salience network expansion in individuals in depression 2024-09-02 0次围观
Recurrent evolution and selection shape structural diversity at the amylase locus 2024-09-02 0次围观
CDK5–cyclin B1 regulates mitotic fidelity 2024-09-02 0次围观
Immune system adaptation during gender-affirming testosterone treatment 2024-09-02 0次围观
A pathology foundation model for cancer diagnosis and prognosis prediction 2024-09-02 1次围观
The hepatitis C virus envelope protein complex is a dimer of heterodimers 2024-09-02 3次围观
Mechanisms that clear mutations drive field cancerization in mammary tissue 2024-09-02 1次围观
Mapping cellular interactions from spatially resolved transcriptomics data 2024-09-02 0次围观
Inhibitory plasticity supports replay generalization in the hippocampus 2024-09-02 0次围观
Diverse viral cas genes antagonize CRISPR immunity 2024-09-02 2次围观
Inflammation-induced epigenetic imprinting regulates intestinal stem cells 2024-09-02 1次围观
An aberrant immune–epithelial progenitor niche drives viral lung sequelae 2024-09-02 1次围观
生命科学学院邓诣群教授团队揭示UPF3B与IRE1α互作调节细胞内质网应激的新机制 2024-09-02 4次围观
2024 09 04 HackerNews 2024-09-02 4次围观
Alternating high-fat diet enhances atherosclerosis by neutrophil reprogramming 2024-09-02 3次围观