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The Vibrio cholerae (V. cholera) Gateway? clone set consists of 46 plates which contain 3813 sequence validated clones from V. cholerae, strain El Tor N16961 cloned in Escherichia coli (E. coli) DH10B-T1 cells. Each open reading frame was constructed in vector pDONR?221 with a native start codon and stop codon. The library was independently cloned and sequence verified by the Harvard Institute of Proteomics.
Information related to the use of Gateway? Clones can be obtained from Invitrogen?. Recombination was facilitated through an attB substrate (attB-PCR product or a linearized attB expression clone) with an attP substrate (pDONR?221) to create an attL-containing entry clone. The entry clone contains recombinational cloning sites, attL1 and attL2 to facilitate gene transfer into a destination vector, M13 forward and reverse priming sites for sequencing and a kanamycin resistance gene for selection. Please refer to the Invitrogen? Gateway? Technology Manual for additional details.
Plate orientation and viability were confirmed for NR-19682.
Each inoculated well of the 96-well plate contains approximately 60 ?L of E. coli culture (strain DH10B-T1) in Luria Bertani (LB) broth containing 50 ?g/mL kanamycin supplemented with 15% glycerol.
Production in the 96-well format has increased risk of cross-contamination between adjacent wells. Individual clones should be purified (e.g. single colony isolation and purification using good microbiological practices) and sequence-verified prior to use. BEI Resources does not confirm or validate individual mutants provided by the contributor.
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