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NR-14833 is a preparation of the cell membrane fraction of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis), strain HN878 and contains the cytoplasmic membrane and components of the outer lipid layer.
The culture was grown to late-log phase in
glycerol-alanine-salts medium, washed with PBS and inactivated by gamma
irradiation. The bacilli were suspended
at a concentration of 2 g/mL in PBS containing 8 mM EDTA, DNase, RNase, and a
proteinase inhibitor tablet, and broken in a French Press pressure cell at 4°C. Unbroken cells were removed by low speed
(3,000 x g) centrifugation. The cell
wall was isolated by centrifugation at 27,000 x g. The supernatant was subjected to a 100,000 x
g centrifugation for four hours. The
resulting membrane pellet was washed with PBS, then suspended and dialyzed in
10 mM ammonium bicarbonate. Protein
content was determined using the BCA protein assay.
Each vial of NR-14833
contains approximately 1 mg of cell membrane fraction from M. tuberculosis, strain HN878 provided in 10 mM ammonium
BEI Resources 由美国国家过敏和传染病研究所 ( NIAID )成立,旨在为研究 A、B 和 C 类优先病原体、新兴传染病病原体、非病原微生物和其他相关微生物材料提供试剂、工具和信息到研究界。BEI Resources 获取、验证和生产科学家进行基础研究和开发改进的诊断测试、疫苗和疗法所需的试剂。通过将这些功能集中在 BEI Resources 中,可以监控科学界对这些材料的访问和使用,并确保试剂的质量控制。
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BEI Resources 自 2003 年起由美国典型培养物保藏中心 (ATCC) 根据合同管理。2016 年 5 月, ATCC获得了一份为期七年的继续管理 BEI Resources的合同。合同范围已扩大到更全面的研究目录材料,包括由其他政府支持的研究项目存放的材料,将提供给生物防御和新兴传染病科学界。真菌、寄生虫、载体和其他相关材料已添加到现有的细菌、病毒和毒素试剂中,涵盖 NIAID A、B 和 C 类优先病原体和 NIAID 指定的新发传染病病原体和生物。