Chen X, Hu T, Liang G, Yang M, Zong S, Miao S, Koide SS, Wang L. A novel testis protein, RSB-66, interacting with INCA1. BIOCHEMISTRY AND CELL BIOLOGY 86(4):345-51, 2008

root 提交于 周日, 10/31/2021 - 01:47
Abstract rsb-66 is a novel gene from a suppression subtracted hybridization (SSH) library of round spermatid-specific cDNAs against those of primary spermatocytes. It was found to be specifically expressed in round spermatids. To explore the function of RSB-66, a yeast two-hybrid system was used to screen for potential interacting partners in a human testis cDNA library. HSD45, also known as INCA1 (inhibitor of Cdk interacting with cyclin A1), was identified as one of the positive clones. The interaction between RSB-66 and INCA1 was demonstrated to occur by GST pull down and coimmunoprecipitation. Using immunofluorescence, RSB-66 was found to be specifically expressed in round spermatids, mainly in the cytoplasm. When being transfected into HeLa cells, RSB-66 and INCA1 were found to be co......


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