Research Technician Position in the Champer Lab at Peking University Center for Life Sciences

root 提交于 周日, 10/31/2021 - 01:48
Research Technician Position in the Champer Lab at Peking University Center for Life Sciences A research technician position is available in the Champer lab at Peking University in the School of Life Sciences and the joint Peking-Tsinghua Center for Life Sciences. Jackson Champer is scheduled to open the lab in early 2021. Lab Overview The main initial topic of the lab will be CRISPR gene drive. This type of allele can bias inheritance in its favor, potentially allowing it to spread throughout a population. There are many possible applications, such as spreading genes in mosquitoes that prevent transmission of malaria, dengue, and other diseases that kill hundreds of thousands of people every year. Gene drive can even be used for conservation pur......


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