Li X, Jia SJ, Wang SH, Wang YM, Meng AM. 2009. Mta3-NuRD complex is a master regulator for initiation of primitive hematopoiesis in vertebrate embryos. BLOOD 114(27): 5464-5472, 2009

root 提交于 周日, 10/31/2021 - 01:47
Abstract Metastasis-associated antigens 1/2/3 (Mta1/2/3) are components of nucleosome remodeling and deacetylase (NuRD) complexes and have been found to play roles in embryonic development and homeostasis. However, their functions in primitive hematopoiesis are unknown. In this study, we demonstrate that knockdown of mta3 by antisense morpholinos abolishes primitive hematopoietic lineages and causes abnormal angiogenesis in zebrafish embryos. However, the expression of the pronephric duct and paraxial mesoderm markers is unaltered and the specification of angioblasts is unaffected in mta3 morphants. The results suggest that mta3 is specifically required for primitive hematopoiesis. Furthermore, inhibition of deacetylase activity with the inhibitors valproic acid (VPA) or trichostatin A (T......


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