Li JZ, Ye J, Xue BF, Qi JZ, Zhang J, Zhou ZH, Li Q, Wen ZL, Li P. Cideb Regulates Diet-Induced Obesity, Liver Steatosis, and Insulin Sensitivity by Controlling Lipogenesis and Fatty Acid Oxidation. DIABETES 56: 2523-2532, 2007

root 提交于 周日, 10/31/2021 - 01:47
Abstract OBJECTIVE: Our previous study suggests that Cidea, a member of Cide family proteins that share sequence homology with the DNA fragmentation factor and are expressed at high levels in brown adipose tissue, plays an important role in the development of obesity. Cideb, another member of Cide family protein, is highly expressed in the liver. We would like to understand the physiological role of Cideb in the regulation of energy expenditure and lipid metabolism.......


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