Zhang, L., Zhou, H., Su, Y., Sun, S., Zhang, H., Zhang, L., Zhang, Y., Ning, Y., Chen, YG# and Meng, A#. Zebrafish Dpr2 inhibits mesoderm induction by promoting degradation of Nodal receptors. SCIENCE 306:114-117, 2004

root 提交于 周日, 10/31/2021 - 01:47
Abstract Nodal proteins, members of the transforming growth factor-beta (TGFbeta) superfamily, have been identified as key endogenous mesoderm inducers in vertebrates. Precise control of Nodal signaling is essential for normal development of embryos. Here, we report that zebrafish dapper2 (dpr2) is expressed in mesoderm precursors during early embryogenesis and is positively regulated by Nodal signals. In vivo functional studies in zebrafish suggest that Dpr2 suppresses mesoderm induction activities of Nodal signaling. Dpr2 is localized in late endosomes, binds to the TGFbeta receptors ALK5 and ALK4, and accelerates lysosomal degradation of these receptors.......


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