Yang M, Li B, Tomchick DR, Machius M, Rizo J, Yu H, Luo X. p31comet blocks Mad2 activation through structural mimicry. CELL131(4):744-55, 2007

root 提交于 周日, 10/31/2021 - 01:47
Abstract The status of spindle checkpoint signaling depends on the balance of two opposing dynamic processes that regulate the highly unusual two-state behavior of Mad2. In mitosis, a Mad1-Mad2 core complex recruits cytosolic Mad2 to kinetochores through Mad2 dimerization and converts Mad2 to a conformer amenable to Cdc20 binding, thereby facilitating checkpoint activation. p31(comet) inactivates the checkpoint through binding to Mad1- or Cdc20-bound Mad2, thereby preventing Mad2 activation and promoting the dissociation of the Mad2-Cdc20 complex. Here, we report the crystal structure of the Mad2-p31(comet) complex. The C-terminal region of Mad2 that undergoes rearrangement in different Mad2 conformers is a major structural determinant for p31(comet) binding, explaining the specificity of......


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