Wang ZX*, Wu JW.* The complete pathway for ERK2-catalyzed reaction. Evidence for an iso random Bi-Bi mechanism. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 282(38):27678-84, 2007

root 提交于 周日, 10/31/2021 - 01:47
Abstract In the present study, the enzymatic mechanism of ERK2 is re-examined by a combination of steady-state kinetic studies in the absence and presence of viscosogenic agents. Kinetic studies carried out in various concentrations of sucrose revealed that both k(cat) and k(cat)/K(m) for either ATP or EtsDelta138 were highly sensitive to solvent viscosity, suggesting that the rapid equilibrium assumption is not valid for the phosphorylation of protein substrate by ERK2. Furthermore, the kinetic analysis with the minimal random Bi Bi reaction mechanism is shown to be inconsistent with the principle of the detailed balance. This inconsistent calculation strongly suggests that there is isomerization of the enzyme-substrate ternary complex. The viscosity-dependent steady-state kinetic data a......


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